24 research outputs found

    Evoluci贸n de los compuestos carbon铆licos durante la conservaci贸n del cava en relaci贸n al pardeamiento

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    Tesi de Llicenciatura per a la obtenci贸 del Grau de Farm脿cia. Facultat de Farm脿cia. Universitat de Barcelona. Director: Concepci贸n Fern谩ndez L贸pez, Carmen de la Torre Boronat. 1988

    Caracter铆sticas organol茅pticas de los vinos base destinados a la elaboraci贸n del cava en funci贸n de tratamientos tecnol贸gicos prefermentativos

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    [spa] Se han realizado un total de 105 determinaciones qu铆micas y sensoriales, relacionadas principalmente con el color, el gusto y el aroma de mostos y vinos blancos del Pened茅s y destinados a la elaboraci贸n de vino espumoso (Cava). Las muestras analizadas corresponden a un ensayo a escala piloto (vendimia de 1988), a cuatro vinificaciones realizadas a escala industrial (vendimias de 1990 y 1991) y a 28 vinos blancos industriales (vendimias de 1990 y 1991). Estas muestras pretenden poner de manifiesto la posible influencia de distintas tecnologias prefermentativas sobre las caracter铆sticas sensoriales resultantes. Las tecnolog铆as estudiadas han sido: el tipo de desfangado (est谩tico y din谩mico por filtraci贸n), la clarificaci贸n, el prensado y el conjunto de pr谩cticas tecnol贸gicas propias de las bodegas elaboradoras. Se ha observado que el desfangado por filtraci贸n al vacio produce mayores p茅rdidas en gran parte de los componentes del mosto, con respecto al desfangado est谩tico por decantaci贸n. Estas p茅rdidas repercuten en las caracter铆sticas de los vinos, siendo igualmente dr谩sticas para aquellos par谩metros considerados "a priori" positivos (aroma afrutado y floral), como para los negativos (aromas y gustos herb谩ceos). Asimismo, mediante an谩lisis estad铆stico multivariante, se ha puesto de manifiesto la gran influencia que tienen el a帽o de vendimia, la variedad de uva y la tecnolog铆a asociada a las bodegas elaboradoras (desfangado, prensado, levadura, etc.) sobre la calidad organol茅ptica de los vinos destinados a la obtenci贸n de cava

    Influence of must racking and fining procedures on the composition of white wine

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    A study of the effects of two kinds of must clarification. settling or filtration by rotary vacuum filter and 5 juice fining treatments (bentonite, potassium caseinate, and combinations: bentonite + gelatin, and bentonite + caseinate + microcrystalline cellulose) on wine characteristics was carried out using must of the white cultivar Parellada. Although the general characteristics (ethanol, color, limpidity, residual sugars, pH and acidity) of Parerllada wines were not modified, some wine components (e.g. nitrogenous substances, phenolic compounds and aroma) were lowered according to the type of must racking and juice fining agent added. The percentage of decrease of wine characteristics due to the pre-fermentative fining agent depends on the type of must racking. Highest losses were recorded when rotary vacuum filters were used for must racking, and when bentonite (0.3-0.5 g/l) was added to the juice as a fining agent before fermentation

    Changes in the Volatile Profile of Wheat Sourdough Produced with the Addition of Cava Lees

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    The volatile fraction is of great importance for the organoleptic quality and consumer acceptance of bread. The use of sourdough improves the sensory profile of bread, as well as the addition of new ingredients to the fermentation. Cava lees are a sparkling wine by-product formed of dead microorganisms, tartaric acid, and other inorganic compounds, rich in antioxidant compounds as well as 尾-glucans and mannoproteins. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different concentrations of Cava lees (0-2% w/w) on sourdough volatile compounds to re-valorize this by-product of the wine industry. Headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) was optimized to study the volatile fractions of sourdoughs. The parameters selected were 60 掳C, 15 min of equilibrium, and 30 min of extraction. It was found that the addition of Cava lees resulted in higher concentrations of volatile compounds (alcohols, acids, aldehydes, ketones and esters), with the highest values being reached with the 2% Cava lees. Moreover, Cava lees contributed to aroma due to the compounds usually found in sparkling wine, such as 1-butanol, octanoic acid, benzaldehyde and ethyl hexanoate. Keywords: sourdough, HS-SPME-GC-MS, volatile compounds, Cava lees, wine by-produc

    Inhibition of Biogenic Amines Formation in Fermented Foods by the Addition of Cava Lees

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    Food safety can be compromised by some bioactive compounds such as biogenic amines that can be specially found in fermented foods due to the bacterial decarboxylation of some amino acids by fermentative or spoilage bacteria. Cava lees are a winery by-product rich in fiber and phenolic compounds and previous works have raised their revalorization from a food safety point of view. The aim of the current work was to investigate whether the use of cava lees can help to control biogenic amine formation in bread and fermented sausages. In bread, only very low levels of biogenic amines (putrescine, cadaverine, and/or spermidine) were found, whose content did not vary with the addition of different amounts of lees. However, the addition of lees in fermented sausages significantly reduced the formation of tyramine and cadaverine. In sausages spontaneously fermented and inoculated with Salmonella spp., the presence of cadaverine and putrescine diminished by 62 and 78%, respectively, due to the addition of cava lees. The addition of cava lees phenolic extract also showed an anti aminogenic effect (21% for cadaverine and 40% for putrescine), although in a lesser extent than cava lees. Cava lees and their phenolic extract were shown to be an effective strategy to control the undesirable accumulation of high levels of biogenic amines during the production of fermented products

    Cava (Spanish sparkling wine) aroma: composition and determination methods

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    Podeu consultar el llibre complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/46988Cava (Spanish sparkling wine) is one of the most important quality sparkling wines in Europe. It is produced by the traditional method in which a base wine is re-fermented and aged in the same bottle that reaches the consumer. The special ageing in contact with lees gives the cava a particular bouquet with toasty, sweet or lactic notes. These nuances could be related with the chemical composition of aroma. The methods required to analyze the flavor of cava are revised. Three approaches are necessary to obtain a wider profile: chemical, olfactometric and sensory

    Characterization of white and ros茅 sparkling wine lees surface volatiles

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    Cava is a sparkling wine that requires a second fermentation in the bottle. Its volatile fraction is conditioned by different parameters (grape, vinification process, fermentative yeast, and aging time). During the autolysis process, yeasts release compounds into the wine, but lees can adsorb certain compounds on their surface. Therefore, the aim of this work was to characterize different white and ros茅 Cavas, and their lees. For this, white Cavas (CGR1: 40 months; CR1: 16 months) and ros茅 Cavas (CRR1: multivarietal coupage; CRR2: monovarietal; both 20 months) were studied. Once disgorged, lees were freeze-dried (L-CGR1, L-CR1, L-CRR1 and L-CRR2). In addition, lees waste from the winery were collected. pH, total polyphenol index (TPI) and colour intensity (CI) of Cavas and lees were determined. The volatile fraction was analysed by Head-Space Solid Phase Microextraction followed by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. Lees showed higher values than their respective Cavas for TPI and CI, especially in the case of the L-CGR1. Most of the volatiles were identified both in Cavas and their lees, esters being the main compounds. Therefore, lees can retain phenolic and volatile compounds on their surface, which could be of interest as a new ingredient in the food industry

    Comparison of volatile compounds during biological ageing and commercial storage of Cava (Spanish sparkling wine): The role of lees

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    Cava is a sparkling wine produced using a traditional method that must be aged in contact with lees for a minimum period of nine months. The contact between wine and lees improves the quality of the final product, and aroma is one of the most important qualitative parameters of a wine. The aim of the work was to study the role of lees in the ageing of Spanish sparkling wine (Cava), by sampling at industrial scale the bottles, from 9 to 30 months of ageing, jointly with the winery and in real time. The volatile profile of Cava during biological ageing and commercial storage, after disgorging, was evaluated by Headspace-Solid Phase Microextraction coupled to gas chromatography鈥搈ass spectrometry. More than 60 compounds were identified from several chemical classes including esters, alcohols, terpenes, furans, norisoprenoids, and fatty acids. A reduction in volatile components was observed when the disgorging step took place. When the behaviour of aroma over time was assessed, the principal factor that discriminated between samples was the type of ageing i.e. with or without lees. Evaluation of volatiles over time revealed that furans showed a significant relationship with ageing, indicating that some components of this family could be possible markers of ageing